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What Is vgmtogether?

In just a few days, we’ll be able to experience an unprecedented virtual event that celebrates video game music as well as the VGM community—I’m talking about vgmtogether, of course. I’ve been watching this event develop over the past few months, and the more that I learn about it, the more excited I am. Despite the constant flow of information, I still had plenty of questions about the event, so what better way to find answers than to ask the two people who started vgmtogether, Doug and Nujj.

Who came up with the idea for vgmtogether?

Doug: The idea actually came from a musical project that we will be premiering at vgmtogether! It’s a highly-collaborative project meant to celebrate the spirit and unity of the video game music community, and we wanted to release it in a way that would reflect that spirit. Thoughts of “if only there was some kind of online event” turned into “what if there was an online event? What if someone just made one?” Combined with the cancellation of so many of the events that the video game music community would normally convene in, the idea of planning something like vgmtogether became more and more appealing. Eventually, I sent Nujj a message to tell her about what I was scheming and to ask her to help me put it together, and now, here we are!

How did vgmtogether develop?

Doug: Quickly! The idea of this event emerged in the end of December of 2020, and we’ve been moving rapidly from there. Within the first week of January, we had put together a small team to represent the various facets we wanted to see represented. By the end of that week, we had a name, a brand, and a goal.

Nujj: Doug reached out to me just before the new year. I had told him earlier that I wished that there was something I could do to bring our friends and community together, who had all been feeling so isolated. He said that he had an idea that would accomplish exactly that. Since then, we have hit the ground running. At our weekly meetings, it is incredible to see the amount of progress that everyone on our team is making. We are working as fast as possible to put together the best event that we can!


Had you ever worked on something like this before?

Doug: Yes and no. I have helped organize projects involving lots of people before, such as arrangement albums and musical performances. I’ve also worked on virtual streaming events like Zeldathon/Side Quest, so I am familiar with this sort of format. That being said, I’ve never organized an event of this scope before!

Nujj: In November, I organized a virtual event within my own community (Swag Fam) called SWAGFest. It was on a much smaller scale than vgmtogether, and there were only four of us organizing the event. However, we managed to put together a weekend full of music, panels, and events that really brought our community together. We became even more tight-knit after that event. It’s that same feeling of camaraderie and family that I want everyone to experience through vgmtogether.

How do you intend to make vgmtogether different from other conventions like MAGFest, PAX, etc.?

Nujj: I think one inherent difference is that vgmtogether is being organized specifically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While organizations like MAGFest, PAX, etc., have adapted their programming to suit a remote format, vgmtogether is being planned specifically with a remote/virtual format in mind because we’re unable to convene at events like MAGFest and PAX. Another difference is that vgmtogether’s main focus is video game music specifically and bringing the VGM community together. We will have non-musical activities like panels and games, but their programming is mostly geared towards VGM topics.

What is the primary goal of vgmtogether?

Nujj: For me, and for a lot of my friends, meeting up at conventions that celebrate video game music was an extremely important part of our lives. Not having that for an entire year was difficult for a lot of us and left us with a feeling that something big was missing. We are crafting vgmtogether to be a celebration of not only video game music, but also the video game music community, whether they are musicians or fans. Instead of feeling isolated, we can be together virtually and celebrate something that means so much to us all.

What can people expect from vgmtogether?

Nujj: This is a three-day event taking place on Twitch, Discord, and VRChat. We have one Twitch channel (vgmtogether) that will be streaming VGM music acts, and another Twitch channel (vgmtogether2) that will be streaming VGM related panels. We have an incredible lineup of artists and panelists that I am really looking forward to! These Twitch streams will also be shown in our related VRChat worlds, where people can really get the full experience of running around a con with friends. At the same time, we will have many community events and games taking place via our Discord. There will really be something for everyone!


What is the current staff size for vgmtogether?

Doug: vgmtogether is an entirely volunteer effort—none of the staff is paid (including us!). The team is still growing, but at the time of writing this, there are a little over 30 people involved.

Nujj: We want vgmtogether to be accessible to everyone, and there are no costs associated with the event. We are lucky to be working with an incredibly talented team of dedicated volunteers who are graciously donating their time and skills towards making this event possible for everyone. We currently have nine people acting as leads of various aspects of the event, which includes me and Doug.

What are you most excited for when it comes to vgmtogether?

Doug: I think one aspect to our event that will make it unique from some of the other virtual video game music events that have been presented over the past year is the option to utilize VRChat. I’m thrilled with our music and panel lineups, and I think it will add an extra level of immersion to be able to experience these events in VR realms and remind folks of the social energy of in-person conventions that we’re all missing right now. Our VR team has done incredible work personalizing their virtual space for our event, and I’m so excited for everyone to experience it. 

Nujj: I am most excited about seeing the various ways that people will choose to enjoy vgmtogether. I can’t wait to see attendees interacting with panelists, cheering on musicians, and playing games together. Whether someone chooses to run around in VRChat, participate in a tournament, or hang out in Twitch chat, I hope that everyone can find an aspect of vgmtogether that makes them happy. 

Do you see vgmtogether becoming an in-person convention eventually?

Doug: Honestly, I’m just trying to put this one together! I’m not sure what the future of vgmtogether holds. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Trust me when I say that vgmtogether is one event that you don’t want to miss. For a detailed schedule, follow the links below:

Friday, March 12th

Saturday, March 13th

Sunday, March 14th