The Co-Op Album Challenge!
GameGrooves is challenging YOU to create a 6-track video game cover EP with a friend or friends. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started making video game covers or if you've been producing for years, this challenge is for anyone and everyone!
Create a 6-track video game cover EP with a friend(s) by the end of December 2023.
May 1st, 2023 - Album pitch must be submitted.
September 1st, 2023 - Arrangements must be finished.
January 1st, 2024 - Mastered tracks must be finished.
Artists MUST collaborate with at least one other primary arranger for the EP.
Arrangers do not need to work on the same tracks (i.e. Artist A could arrange 1 track and Artist B could arrange 5 tracks).
There can be no more than 2 additional primary arrangers.
There can be no more than 10 featured artists.
Each artist can only submit one project, but they can be featured as a primary arranger on as many projects as they want.
All six tracks must be from a licensable video game(s) (read Soundrop’s guide to learn more).
Artists must submit all their work for every check-in.
Artists must create this album from scratch (i.e. no previous track arrangements).
Additional Info
Tracks can be from more than one game or game series.
Artists can submit their work before a check-in deadline.
Artists can hire someone to create album art if they so choose.
Artists retain all rights to their music and arrangements.
If an artist completes all 6 check-ins, GameGrooves will cover the costs of licensing ($0.99 a track; ~$6 per person) and will assist with marketing.
Submit your Entry HERE
Final Thoughts
Best of luck to everyone, and feel free to join the 2023 Album Challenge Discord channels!