GameGrooves 2019 Recap


2019 was a banner year for GameGrooves, thanks to all you readers and fans. Here are some of the major accomplishments and milestones for this community.

And that’s not including the website! Here are a few snapshots that show just how much we’ve grown in the past year!

Website Traffic
Website Geography
Website Popular Content

Report Card

A new year is the perfect time for self-reflection, so I decided to grade GameGrooves based on the following criteria.

Reviews (16) — B

There are plenty more albums that I wish I could have reviewed in 2019, but I only have so much time in the day. On the plus side, I’ve gained a lot of confidence in my ability as a reviewer, which should make it easier for me to review even more VGM albums in 2020.

Interviews (30) — A

Interviews are probably the strongest aspect of GameGrooves, and for good reason—there are so many amazing individuals in the VGM community, and they all have a story to tell. 

Guides (5) — D

Ro Panuganti and Peter Gillette have done a great job sharing their expertise, but I would love to hear from even more VGM musicians. Fortunately, James C. Hoffman is more than eager to share his mastering advice in the recently-created Input/Output series.

Editorials (15) — C

To be completely honest, Editorials is a bit of a catch-all for me. The only official series here are Deep Cuts, which continues to evolve, and GameGrooves Asks. I would love to have more seasonal or timely articles related to release dates or anniversaries.

Daily Grooves (49) — B-

Clearly, I haven’t been sharing new VGM covers every single day, but even God was able to rest on the seventh day. In any case, the problem isn’t finding a good VGM cover to share—it’s deciding which cover to share because they’re all so good!

Premieres (2) — A

Although Premieres are the most recent addition to GameGrooves, the response has been overwhelming. Thanks to the GameGrooves Patrons, you can expect even more Premieres in 2020, starting in January!

What’s Next?

Thanks to the GameGrooves patrons, website hosting costs have almost been completely covered! This means that I can put more money toward commissioned covers, contests, and giveaways. If you want to help make these thing a reality, consider supporting GameGrooves on Patreon today!

As a bonus, here’s a small teaser of what to expect in the next few months:

  • January — New GameGrooves Premiere

  • February — GameGrooves Contest

  • March — Animal Crossing: New Horizons Giveaway

Needless to say, there’s plenty to look forward to, including MAGFest, which starts tomorrow (feel free to say hi if you see me there). As we turns our thoughts toward the future, I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for making GameGrooves such a welcoming and passionate community. Happy New Years!


ToxicxEternity Has Gone Mad!


Top 10 VGM Albums of 2019