What Makes Pokémon Music So Special?

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With Pokémon Sword and Shield shattering records, the popularity of the series seems more assured than ever thanks in no small part to the music. Pokémon composers Junichi Masuda and Go Ichinose have inspired countless VGM artists, and the series boasts an amazing musical pedigree that rivals other Nintendo titles like Mario and Zelda. With so many artists covering Pokémon music, it was hard to narrow down five musicians (insaneintherainmusic, RichaadEB, Braxton Burks, Mewmore, and Sab Irene), but I did the best that I could.

What makes the music of Pokémon so special?

Insaneintherainmusic: The music of Pokémon is so masterfully composed. The tunes tend to be very short (with a loop time often of 90 seconds or less), but the music is so harmonically rich and does a great job of capturing the mood of the place you’re currently in within the game, whether it be a battle, town, route, or otherwise.

RichaadEB: I'm not sure!! It just...is. The composers that typically work on the games are some of my favorites in entire VGM world though, particularly Go Ichinose and Junichi Masuda.

Braxton Burks: The series has always had memorable melodies for all its battles, locations, and characters!

Mewmore: It's quite amazing how much feel and depth these songs have, despite the technical limitations of the GameBoy, the Game Boy Advance, and the Nintendo DS. The great soundfonts really make them feel special too. The compositions vary quite a lot, and I find it nice how they fit the music together with the region; let's say all those traditional Japanese tracks in GSC for example.

Sab Irene: What makes the music of Pokémon special is all the nuances, especially in the older games (RBY - B/W). One of my favorites parts about Pokémon music is how they have reorchestrated classic tracks and the different interpretations. So many of my favorite childhood memories involve playing this game by myself, with my brothers, cousins, and friends.

What's your favorite Pokémon OST? 

Insaneintherainmusic: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The soundtrack has such amazing melodies, and a wonderful blend of elements of jazz, rock, and jazz fusion.

RichaadEB: Gen 3, hands down. I feel that Gen 3's OST was unique to the series because it marked the transition from the energetic (and often chaotic (and infrequently borderline nonsensical)) 8-bit soundtracks of Gen 1 and 2 towards the more modern orchestral approach of the recent soundtracks. While I still enjoy nearly everything I've heard from more recent games, their OSTs don't really carry the same absurdly chaotic energy as the earlier generations did. Gen 3 strikes a really interesting balance between these two distinct periods. The music is still energetic and borders on chaotic like with earlier gens, but it also experiments with a huge array of fun and interesting new MIDI instruments and melodies. As a fan of progressive metal genres, the OST is a staple for me. (idk maybe im just a sucker for midi trumpets).

Braxton Burks: Pokémon Gold and Silver.

Mewmore: It's most likely RSE, but I really love DPPt's OST as well. Both have a great selection of songs, but I feel like RSE's OST is overall the most consistent and strongest. I also love the soundfonts. No Pokémon theme can ever beat “Littleroot Town”, “Route 101” or “Petalburg Forests”' themes. They're just unreal. Might be nostalgia goggles too, but Pokémon for me is mostly about nostalgia anyway.

Sab Irene: My favorite Pokémon OST is Pokémon DPPt, with RSE very close behind. I think what's so unique about DPPt is the variances in the day and night themes. There were also so many cool instrument additions and stylistic changes--there was so much jazz, rock, orchestral, fusion, etc. It's incredible!

What's your favorite Pokémon cover that you've produced? 

Insaneintherainmusic: “Eterna Forest” from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Something about this cover is so timeless. Many of my fans share this sentiment. It might be attributable to the quick burst of energy that comes in at 1:19 in the cover.

RichaadEB: I really don't know. I think my “Lavender Town” is cool...I also think my “Mt. Moon” is really cool...and I also think my “Route 113” is really cool. If I had to pick one, I suppose “Route 113”.

Braxton Burks: I’m actually really proud of my cover of “Battle! Team Galactic” from Time & Space.

Mewmore: It's a hard one since I'm quite critical towards my own work. Usually, when uploading a new song, I'm really excited about it, and I think it's my best work, but later I might change my mind again when I start to notice mistakes or things I could have improved. Some of my older remixes are obviously outdated in terms of production, but sometimes I feel like they have more soul than my newer remixes have. Or it's just that memories grow sweeter with time. If I really had to pick one, I'd pick “Virbank City”. Or “Eterna City”. Or my “USUM Ghetsis Battle”, that one has one of my best drops. Perhaps “Jubilife City”. Sorry, that's already four. It's too hard to decide!

Sab Irene: I would say my cover of “Eterna Forest” is my favorite Pokémon cover I've done. It's a super personal cover for me. I really pushed myself to make it my own rather than make a replica of the original or covers I've liked. There was a lot of nostalgia and emotion in that cover and I always smile when I hear it or even think about it.

What's your favorite Pokémon cover that someone else has produced? 

Insaneintherainmusic: There are so so many, but my first thought is probably Dr Pez’s Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire medley! I love the music from that game almost as much as I do Generation 4, but this medley is so well made and comprehensive for the whole soundtrack!

RichaadEB: ToxicxEternity's “Lavender Town”. His cover actually somewhat discouraged me from covering the track myself for some time simply because I regarded his so highly, and I didn't know how I could possibly make mine the same level of interesting without inadvertently lifting ideas from his. It's amazing.

Braxton Burks: “Old Chateau” by insaneintherainmusic.

Mewmore: Either “Jubilife City Remix” by Dasgust or “Temporal Tower Remix” by TheGuitahHeroe. Neither of them are that active anymore with music, but back when I started, I used to look up to them so much--truth be told, I still do. Funny dudes, great friends, and especially amazing remixers. Without them, I don't think my music would be what it is now.

Sab Irene: My favorite Pokémon cover that someone else produced would have to be insaneintherain's cover of “Mt. Coronet”, mostly, because it's my favorite song in all of Pokémon. He really brought it to life, and I love the ethereal, free-flowing piano solo in the cover.

Who is your favorite Pokémon?

Insaneintherainmusic: Empoleon! I’ve always thought of myself as a water and steel type.

RichaadEB: uhhhhhhhhh no comment lol.

Braxton Burks: Charizard.

Mewmore: Like everyone probably noticed already, I'm quite bad at choosing faves at any category really. But right now I'd say Cufant; that one's super cute.

Sab Irene: Favorite Pokémon is a tie between Blaziken and Empoleon. I honestly cannot choose between the two.


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