Redux Cover Contest Winners

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For those who didn’t know, GameGrooves recently hosted a VGM cover contest asking contestants to update and improve an existing track in one of three ways: Arrangement, Production, or Video. Seventeen people responded to the call, and while the competition was fierce, a few tracks stood out from the rest. Here are the three winners in each respective category (along with runners up).


Winner: “Zora’s Domain” by Alfaraph

Ironically, Alfaraph originally produced this track for another cover contest, Soundole’s Chill Out competition. For the Redux Cover Contest, Alfaraph improved the track on every level, and I was especially fond of the jazz guitar licks at the beginning of track. What’s even more impressive is that Alfaraph has shown such immense growth in such a short time. This is one artist that you’ll want to keep your eyes (and ears) on.


Winner: “Wrecked Frigate Orpheon Lo-fi Remix” by Dewey Newt

While I enjoyed Dewey Newt’s original take on “Wrecked Frigate”, I think his Redux entry takes the track in an exciting direction. Right out of the gates, you’re greeted by a funky bassline and lo-fi beat. Dewey then adds layers of ambience and pads to retain that Metroid Prime sound that we all love. Too often, Lo-Fi tracks fall victim to the philosophy that less is more, but Dewey doesn’t subtract anything from the original track, rather he’s expands the sound and enhances it with his own voice.


Winner: “Hicksville - Gun.Smoke” by Justin Woods Music

The visual improvement from Justin’s original track is immediately noticeable. For starters, Justin embraces the Western aesthetic fully this time, donning a cowboy hat and taking his guitar outside. The editing is tight, the focus and lighting are perfect, and he could not have picked a more perfect filming location. This track is actually from Justin’s recent album, The Devil’s Arcade, which features 11 other tracks in a similar vein. If you enjoy Westerns, acoustic guitar covers, or audio narratives, you owe yourself a listen.

Runner-Up: “Flamesgrace, Guiding Light” by Meg Markwith

Final Thoughts

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who entered and offer congratulations to the winners! In addition, thank you James C. Hoffman, Julia Henderson, and Ro Panuganti for doing such a great job with the judging! The judges and I were delighted by the creativity on display, and we wish we could give out prizes to everyone. That being said, stay tuned for additional cover contests in the future, and please give a listen to everyone who entered!

Redux Cover Contest Playlist (and Soundcloud entries)

round 2, fight! needed another instrument to fill the highs so i popped in a goofy little synth arp. probably sounds ok!

This is for the Redux Cover Contest by GameGrooves. The idea is to show how you have developed as a musician over the years, and I did a cover of this song years ago. I wasn't going to do anything for this contest, but then I started messing with this again and decided to throw my hat into the ring. This is for the Production category, as I don't have good video equipment right now. And here is the semi-poop original from years ago:


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