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72-Hour Charity Album Jam

VGMConline is proving to be full of surprises. Just a few days ago, the nominees for the 5th Annual Game Music Remix Awards were announced, and today, VGMCONline announced a 72-hour charity album jam. What is that? Well, I’m glad you asked…


This 72-hour charity album jam is like a game jam, but for music. Creators will pitch their licensable video game music ideas during the event kickoff, and participants will have the opportunity to choose whichever projects they want to work on. You may participate in as many projects as you wish.


VGM CONline is supporting the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund. This organization provides financial assistance to all kinds of career musicians and music industry workers who are struggling to make ends meet while facing illness, disability, or age-related problems.


  • Kickoff: Thursday April 22, 6:30pm CST on Google Meet

  • Track Submission Time: Sunday April 25, 6:30pm CST in Discord Breakout Rooms

  • Album Listening Party: Sunday April 25, 7:45pm CST on Twitch


  • Songs must have at least two different artists. Solo creations will not be accepted.

  • All songs must be licensable. Read more.

  • No medleys, mashups, or samples can be used. Submissions with any of these will not be accepted.


  • Thomas Spargo/VGM CON/TheToader#2014

  • Allen Brasch/GameGrooves/Allen Baggins#4341


Q: How do I participate?
A: Use this form to sign up. Join the kickoff meeting to connect with other artists and either join or pitch a track.

Q: How do I pitch a track?
A: During the kickoff meeting, you’ll have 60 seconds to pitch your idea. You should first research if your track is licensable. If you’re unsure, it may be wise to find a track you know can be licensed. After your pitch, other participants will have the opportunity to join. You need at least 1 other artist to proceed. You may pitch tracks after the kickoff meeting in the designated channel. All tracks must follow the rules.

Q: What if I just want to provide a part?
A: You don’t need to pitch a project to be a part of the jam. You may submit as many parts to as many projects as you’d like.

Q: What if my studio isn’t great?
A: You don’t need an expensive studio to participate in this project. An external microphone, whether from a USB mic or audio interface, is recommended. Recordings must be free from unwanted noise like pops, excessive background noise, or any other undesirable noise.

Q: I’m an arranger. Can I participate?
A: YES! You can either pitch a project, or offer to help arrange someone else’s.

Q: I’m good at mixing and/or mastering. Can I participate?
A: Yes! We will have a dedicated time to introduce people good at these skills.

Q: Can I use virtual instruments and MIDI?
A: Yes. Just no samples (see rules), and your track must feature at least 2 different artists on the track.

Q: I can’t make the kickoff meeting. Can I still participate?
A: Yes! People may join projects at any time during the 72 hours. Those who can’t make the kickoff can pitch ideas after, but all submissions must follow the rules in the end.

Q: How many tracks will appear on the album?
A: If more than 20 tracks are submitted, only the top 20 will be released on the album.

Q: Will you allow duplicate songs with different arrangements?
A: No. Duplicate songs will not be accepted on the album.

Pre-Register Now!