
Buy Mega Remix Man

Editor’s Note: A review copy of the album was provided to GameGrooves.

Veteran VGM artist RoboRob has been performing, writing, and arranging for the past ten years, and he’s done countless collaborations in that same time. He has released music under several artist names, and in some ways, he’s a musical chameleon, able to adapt his core sound to any number of genres. Still, I like to think of RoboRob as a chef, and he’s cooked up a great album with MEGA REMIX MAN​.​EXE.

The core of this musical dish called MEGA REMIX MAN​.​EXE is electronic music, and like all great chefs, RoboRob understands that simple ingredients make for the best meals. Add one thumping bassline, one ever-changing drum kit, one set of rhythm synths, and one set of lead synths. Of course, I’m making this sound easier than it really is. 

Music, like cooking, is all about balance. If you use too much of one ingredient, the sound becomes stale, but if you don’t use enough, the song will become muted and dull. Of course, RoboRob has a secret ingredient that allows him to craft impeccable dishes like “OK, Boomer Kuwanger” and “Dr. Wily’s Castle”—heart.

Like all great chefs, RoboRob cooks from his heart, and if you know Rob (or follow him on social media), you know that he’s a person who cares deeply for his friends and his music. Speaking of friends, Rob is joined by several artists for this album, including Ben Briggs, Flexstyle, Baircave, and VGR to name a few. You can ignore the old saying—these cooks would never spoil the broth. In fact, these collaborations add unexpected garnishes and ingredients that make sure every song is a treat. 

At 34 minutes long, MEGA REMIX MAN​.​EXE is a full and satisfying meal, but there’s always room for more RoboRob music in my book. Mizo 2, the next course from RoboRob, releases in less than a month, and I can’t wait to dig in!


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